Choosing the Right Material for Custom Take Out Bags: A Guide for Restaurant Owners

As a restaurant owner, it is important to consider all aspects of your business, including the type of take out bags you provide to your customers. Custom take out bags not only serve as a convenient way for customers to transport their food, but they also act as a marketing tool for your restaurant. 

With so many options available, choosing the right material for your custom take out bags can be overwhelming. Custom take out bags are an excellent and cost-effective way to promote your business, and to give your customers a unique experience. If you want, you can contact the CO-PACK INC company for the custom take out bags to make your business stand out. 

1. Paper Bags

Paper bags are a popular choice for custom take out bags due to their eco-friendly nature. They are made from renewable resources and are biodegradable, making them a sustainable option. Paper bags can also be easily customized with your restaurant's logo, name, and other branding elements.

2. Plastic Bags

Plastic bags are another common choice for custom take out bags. They are lightweight, inexpensive, and provide excellent protection against moisture and grease. Plastic bags are also highly customizable and can be printed with vibrant colors and designs.

3. Non-Woven Polypropylene Bags

Non-woven polypropylene bags, also known as reusable bags, are a more sustainable option compared to paper and plastic bags. They are made from a durable and recyclable material and can be reused multiple times, reducing waste and environmental impact.

4. Compostable Bags

Compostable bags are an environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional paper and plastic bags. They are made from plant-based materials, such as cornstarch or vegetable oil, and are designed to break down into compost when disposed of properly.


Choosing the right material for your custom take out bags is an important decision that can impact both your customers' experience and your restaurant's brand. Consider the durability, environmental impact, customization options, and cost when making your choice.