Overview Of 3D-Vjuve CO2 Fractional Laser Facial

A 3D-Vjuve CO2 fractional laser is a highly advanced type of laser that has been specifically designed for the facial area. It works by breaking down the individual parts of the skin and treating them with heat, light, and CO2. This technology is able to treat many different types of skin conditions, including wrinkles, creases, age spots, and acne scars.

There are a few things to keep in mind before undergoing treatment with a 3D-Vjuve CO2 fractional laser: First, it is important to discuss your specific goals with your doctor. Second, make sure that you properly prepare your skin by following their specific instructions. Third, be patient – treatments can take up to an hour and require several sessions over a period of weeks or months. If you have any queries about skin treatment, you can contact us

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There are a variety of benefits associated with using a CO2 fractional laser for facial skin treatments. These include:

– Reduced downtime from treatment due to reduced surgical time and less pain

– Reduced swelling and redness after treatment

– Reduction in the number of sessions needed to achieve desired results

– Reduced risk of scarring or wrinkles

The 3D-Vjuve CO2 Fractional Laser uses micro-needling technology to help break down the damaged collagen and elastin in the skin, which results in a reduction in acne lesions and an improved overall complexion. The fractional laser also helps treat wrinkles and other signs of aging.

To use the 3D-Vjuve CO2 Fractional Laser, the user must first be prepped with a topical anesthetic cream. The laser then scans your face to create an image of your skin that is used to create targeted treatment areas. After treatment, you will likely experience some redness, swelling, and bruising. You may also experience a temporary decrease in skin pigmentation due to the destruction of melanin cells.