The Benefits Of Using Flaky Sea Salt Over Table Salt

Table salt is refined and missing many of the minerals that are found in sea salt. This results in a harsher, more metallic taste that can be off-putting to some. In addition, table salt is often iodized, which can add a bitter taste.

Flaky sea salt, on the other hand, has a much softer flavor. This is because it still contains many minerals and trace elements found in natural seawater. The flakiness of the salt also helps to distribute the flavor more evenly, resulting in a better overall taste. 

If you are looking to buy flaky sea salt online you can navigate to Murray River Salt. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose flaky sea salt over table salt:

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1. Flaky sea salt contains more than 80 different minerals and traces of elements, including magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iodine. These minerals are essential for good health and can help improve circulation, promote healthy skin and hair, and strengthen bones and teeth.

2. Table salt is highly processed and refined, which strips it of all its natural nutrients. Flaky sea salt is minimally processed and retains all its natural nutrients, making it much healthier for you.

3. Table salt is often bleached or treated with chemicals to make it white. This can make it difficult for your body to digest and absorb properly. Flaky sea salt is naturally white and doesn’t contain any bleaches or chemicals.

4. Table salt often contains additives such as iodine or anti-caking agents that can harm your health. Flaky sea salt doesn’t contain any additives – just 100% pure, natural salt flakes.