The Health Benefits of Pink Himalayan Salt

Pink Himalayan salt crystal has been recognized as the healthiest natural supplement on earth. It is a highly refined alternative to regular table salt that is used globally to enhance the taste and colour in food and beverages. Himalayan crystal salt is crystal salt mined in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in India. The salt is derived from rock salts which are extremely high in mineral content and incomparable in chemical properties. Although no synthetic salt is used in food production, Himalayan crystal salt is used to add colour and flavour to various food items including ice creams, sweets, pickles, ginger snaps, lemonade, and more.

This naturally occurring salt has been used for centuries because it contains a number of health claims. It can help reduce fever, ease asthma, improve memory and attention, treat parasites, boost energy and stamina, fight infections, and treat an assortment of respiratory problems including coughing and lung cancer. It can even reverse the ageing process and slow down the oxidation process in our bodies and skin.

One of the best known health claims made about this Himalayan pink salt involves its ability to improve respiratory problems and increase lung capacity. Trace minerals in this mineral have been found to inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses in the lungs. Additionally, trace minerals have been found to improve the function of the immune system and reduce the risks of heart disease and stroke. In addition, several studies have indicated that this mineral can also help reduce cholesterol levels.

Since most trace mineral content is toxic in large quantities, it is very important to use only small quantities of this mineral in order to achieve the full benefits. Studies have indicated that one teaspoon of Pink Himalayan salt can provide up to forty percent more potassium than the recommended dietary allowance. In addition, people with poor kidney conditions, such as kidney failure, should exercise caution in using this salt because the mineral ions in small quantities can cause electrolyte imbalance and lead to cramping.

A second purported health effect of this pink Himalayan salt is to reduce blood sugar levels. This benefit has not been proven in controlled studies. However, studies regarding blood sugar levels in different populations have found that the blood sugar levels of people who consume this salt on a regular basis tend to be lower than those of people who do not use this type of salt. As with reducing blood sugar levels, however, this benefit has not been proven in controlled studies. Because of this, it is probably best to err on the side of caution and consume moderately rather than excessively of any mineral, let alone one as rich in minerals as pink Himalayan salt.

When many people claim benefits of this pink Himalayan salt, they are typically talking about its health benefits in terms of weight loss. However, the salt's benefits do go beyond weight loss. It is known to be a stimulant that increases the metabolism and promotes the burning of more fat. Because it contains a high amount of iodine, many people claim that it helps to protect the body against iodine deficiency (which is commonly seen in countries where the population is prone to iodine deficiency). Moreover, many people claim that it increases energy levels and that it improves mental clarity and sharpness.

Yet another purported health benefit of pink Himalayan salt comes from its ability to lower high blood pressure. According to reports, high blood pressure can cause symptoms such as dizziness, confusion and even heart attacks. Although not all salt lowers blood pressure, many health experts believe that the salt's effect is comparable to that of lowering blood pressure through dietary means. If you want to enjoy the added benefits of the salt without the risk of developing high blood pressure, it is important to choose salt that is harvested from uncontaminated areas of the planet.

Because it is relatively new on the market, many consumers have not heard about the health claims associated with this salt. As more information becomes available, it is likely that more consumers will come to appreciate the many health benefits of pink Himalayan salt. However, consumers should also be aware that many companies use the 'pure' form of the salt in their products, even though it is not. The FDA does test for contamination, and when found, the salt may need to be eliminated from the product or be greatly reduced in order to meet regulations. To avoid this, it is important for consumers to purchase only salt that has been graded and purified as described.