What is Conversion Rate Optimization ?

A website's conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, such as signing up for a mailing list or making a purchase.

There are many factors that can affect a website's conversion rate: from the design and layout of the site to effective marketing strategies. CRO can help optimize these factors in order to increase conversion rates. Here are some tips for Optimizing your website’s conversion rate:

1. Use Clear and Effective Navigation

Users should be able to find what they're looking for quickly and easily on your website. Make sure your navigation is clear and easy to use, with labels that are legible and organized logically. And don't Forget About CTA Buttons! Place CTAs close to where users will likely encounter them—on top of pages, near the bottom of pages, etc.—and make sure they're eye-catching and persuasive.

Image Source: Google

2. Optimize Your Site for Mobile Viewing

Nearly half of all internet traffic now comes from mobile devices, so it's important that your site is optimized for mobile viewing. Make sure text is sized correctly, images load quickly, and menus are easy to access using thumb buttons or tap targets. And if you have any video content on your site, make sure it plays smoothly on mobile devices too!

3. Optimize Your Site for Speed & Performance 

Your website should load quickly, without lag or hiccups. Make sure your web hosting and server specs are up to date, and optimize your code for speed and performance. Also, make sure your website is hosted on a web server that's optimized for SEO.

There are many factors that can affect a website's conversion rate: from the design and layout of the site to effective marketing strategies. CRO can help optimize these factors in order to increase conversion rates.